In this survey, participants were asked to read a short description of a system (one of the tutorial sections below), and then answer questions about the system’s behavior using one randomly-chosen system artifact:
  1. a runtime log,
  2. a log plus an inferred behavioral model (generated using Synoptic),
  3. or a log plus an inferred performance model (generated using Perfume)
Each respondent answered questions about three systems in a random order, utilizing each artifact once. Every question had a correct answer, and participants’ responses were timed.

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Assignment to evaluate methods of understanding a system's behavior

This assignment takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. All sections are timed -- please allocate an uninterrupted time to complete the assignment. The assignment collects some basic demographic information (e.g., age). Your identity and personal information will never be revealed beyond the research group that created this assignment.

Thank you for participating!

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Tell us more about yourself

What is your full name?
What is your age?
How many years of programming experience have you had?
How often do you use logging statements (e.g., print statements) to debug your code?

How often do you draw a model to describe and better understand what your program is doing?

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Runtime Logs - Tutorial

This page describes runtime logs, which can be used to understand a system's behavior. At the end of this mini-tutorial, you will answer a few questions to check your understanding of these types of logs.

A runtime log records information about a system and its executions. Each system execution produces a single execution trace, and a log consists of multiple such traces. Each log line in a trace describes an event -- the action the system executed -- and a performance metric that conveys some additional information about the system at the time of the event. In this exercise, a header line at the top of each log will explain the log format.

Consider a simple system that allows clients to log in and after, to read or write data. A runtime log of this system is shown below, including a header line and four distinct execution traces, one per client (each with a unique Client ID). In the log, client a3983's trace (“login→read→logout”) is in bold. The performance metric in this log is the timestamp, in seconds. For example, timestamps associated with a3983's trace indicate that a read event took 4 seconds:
(13010 - 13006 = 4)

Timestamp, Client ID, Event

13005, a3983, login
13006, a3983, read
13010, a3983, logout
13006, a39830, login
13007, a39830, write
13011, a39830, logout
13008, a201733, login
13009, a201733, read
13011, a201733, logout
13008, a37471, login
13009, a37471, write
13014, a37471, logout

Checking your understanding

The questions below are intended to test your understanding of runtime logs described above. Each question has a single correct answer.

You won't be able to move on until you answer these questions correctly.

Does every trace contain at least one read or at least one write?

What is the longest amount of time between a client's login and the same client's logout?

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Behavioral Models - Tutorial

This page describes behavioral models, which can be used to understand a system's behavior. At the end of this mini-tutorial, you will answer a few questions to check your understanding of this technique.

A behavioral model is a graph that describes a system’s behavior. Each node in this graph represents an event: an action the system can take. A path through the model that starts at INITIAL and ends at TERMINAL represents an execution trace: a series of events corresponding to one execution of the system.

The behavioral model below describes two possible executions, one of which is “login→read→logout” (highlighted in red). The absence of a path in a model indicates an invalid execution. For example, there is no “login→logout” path in the model below, so according to the model, the system cannot produce such an execution.

Checking your understanding

The questions below are intended to test your understanding of behavioral models described above. Each question has a single correct answer.

You won't be able to move on until you answer these questions correctly.

Can a read and a write occur in the same trace?

What is the maximum number of events in any single trace? (INITIAL and TERMINAL are not events.)

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Performance Models - Tutorial

This page describes performance models, which can be used to understand a system's behavior. At the end of this mini-tutorial, you will answer a few questions to check your understanding of this technique.

A performance model is a graph that summarizes a system’s behavior. A node in this graph represents an event: an action the system can take, and outgoing edges labeled with performance metrics convey additional information about system performance between the events (e.g., how much time can elapse between the events). A path through the model that starts at INITIAL and ends at TERMINAL represents an execution trace: a series of events corresponding to one execution of the system.

Each node in a performance model is labeled with an event. The edges are labeled with a performance metric, such as, for example, the amount of time that elapses between the two events connected by the edge. Other performance metrics include the number of bytes transferred, bytes written, a measure of power consumed, etc.

In the performance model below, the path “login→1→read→[2,4]→logout” (highlighted in red) indicates that for this execution trace, login takes 1 second, and read takes between 2 and 4 seconds.

Checking your understanding

The questions below are intended to test your understanding of performance models described above. Each question has a single correct answer.

You won't be able to move on until you answer these questions correctly.

For traces containing a read, what is the maximum time between login and logout?
Does every trace contain both a login and a logout?

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Assignment Questions

On this page, you will use a [runtime log / behavioral model / performance model] to answer questions about a simple system.

Connection Tester

Connection Tester is a tool that diagnoses network issues. It tests a client's bandwidth, executes a series of queries, and then classifies the network path as "normal" or "abnormal" based on the results.

Runtime Log

Client, Message timestamp, Message type [31/May/2014:31200.0] "GET HTTP/1.1 /test-bandwidth" [31/May/2014:31202.0] "GET HTTP/1.1 /narrowband" [31/May/2014:31205.7] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31208.9] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31209.7] "GET HTTP/1.1 /report-normal" [31/May/2014:31200.3] "GET HTTP/1.1 /test-bandwidth" [31/May/2014:31202.3] "GET HTTP/1.1 /narrowband" [31/May/2014:31206.0] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31206.8] "GET HTTP/1.1 /report-normal" [31/May/2014:31200.1] "GET HTTP/1.1 /test-bandwidth" [31/May/2014:31200.8] "GET HTTP/1.1 /broadband" [31/May/2014:31202.1] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31208.3] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31208.8] "GET HTTP/1.1 /report-abnormal" [31/May/2014:31200.1] "GET HTTP/1.1 /test-bandwidth" [31/May/2014:31200.7] "GET HTTP/1.1 /broadband" [31/May/2014:31201.9] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31208.0] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31208.4] "GET HTTP/1.1 /report-abnormal" [31/May/2014:31200.2] "GET HTTP/1.1 /test-bandwidth" [31/May/2014:31200.8] "GET HTTP/1.1 /broadband" [31/May/2014:31202.0] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31203.3] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31203.8] "GET HTTP/1.1 /report-normal" [31/May/2014:31200.2] "GET HTTP/1.1 /test-bandwidth" [31/May/2014:31200.9] "GET HTTP/1.1 /broadband" [31/May/2014:31202.2] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31203.6] "GET HTTP/1.1 /query" [31/May/2014:31204.7] "GET HTTP/1.1 /report-normal"

Behavioral Model

Performance Model

System Understanding Questions

Based on the runtime log and behavioral model above, answer the following questions.

Do all traces contain a test-bandwidth?

Do all traces contain at least one query?

What is the minimum and maximum number of query events that can occur in a single execution?

What is the minimum and maximum time taken to test-bandwidth?

What is the slowest and fastest query event from narrowband clients?

What is the slowest query time?
That slowest query time came from what type of client?

What characteristics of an execution cause Connection Tester to report-abnormal?

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Assignment Questions

On this page, you will use a [runtime log / behavioral model / performance model] to answer questions about a simple system.

RADIUS Authentication

The RADIUS protocol authenticates clients on a network. To authenticate, a client first sends a username and password in an Access-Request message. The server can respond in three different ways. It can grant the user access with an Access-Accept message, or it can reject access with an Access-Reject message. In either case, authentication ends. Alternatively, the server can request additional credentials with an Access-Challenge message, after which the above steps repeat: the client sends another Access-Request message, and the server again responds.

In the following log, Total bytes transferred represents the number of bytes communicated in either direction before the current message is sent.

Runtime Log

Total bytes transferred, Client, Message

0,, Access-Request
64,, Access-Accept
0,, Access-Request
128,, Access-Accept
0,, Access-Request
64,, Access-Reject
0,, Access-Request
96,, Access-Reject
0,, Access-Request
2048,, Access-Challenge
2144,, Access-Request
2208,, Access-Reject
0,, Access-Request
3072,, Access-Challenge
3184,, Access-Request
3312,, Access-Reject
0,, Access-Request
64,, Access-Challenge
192,, Access-Request
320,, Access-Accept
0,, Access-Request
128,, Access-Challenge
256,, Access-Request
352,, Access-Accept

Behavioral Model

Performance Model

System Understanding Questions

Based on the runtime log above, answer the following questions.

What is the smallest and largest number of messages in any one trace? (INITIAL and TERMINAL are not messages.)

Are there traces that result in Access-Accept that contain no Access-Challenge messages?

Are there traces that result in Access-Accept that contain at least one Access-Challenge message?

Are there traces that result in Access-Reject that contain no Access-Challenge messages?

Are there traces that result in Access-Reject that contain at least one Access-Challenge message?

What was the type of the largest (most bytes) observed message?

What was the size (in bytes) of the largest observed message?
What is the minimum and maximum message size (in bytes) of all Access-Request messages to which the response was Access-Reject?

After an Access-Challenge message, what is the minimum and maximum number of bytes transferred before an Access-Accept message is sent?


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Assignment Questions

On this page, you will use a [runtime log / behavioral model / performance model] to answer questions about a simple system.

Caching Web Browser

Web browsers often cache previously-viewed pages and resources to disk so that subsequent requests to the same pages are faster. A browser might record when it caches a page to disk (cache-page), retrieves a page from disk (retrieve-page), caches an image to disk (cache-image), and retrieves an image from disk (retrieve-image). The log/model below represents captured traces for such caching and retrieving events along with the total number of KB read from and written to disk.

In the following log, Total KB transferred represents the number of KB read/written in either direction before the current event.

Runtime Log

Client, Event, Total KB transferred, cache-page, 0, retrieve-page, 9, cache-image, 18, retrieve-image, 39, quit, 160, cache-page, 0, retrieve-page, 17, cache-image, 34, retrieve-image, 104, quit, 274, cache-page, 0, retrieve-page, 9, cache-image, 118, retrieve-image, 140, quit, 162, cache-page, 0, retrieve-page, 17, cache-image, 136, retrieve-image, 204, quit, 272, cache-image, 0, retrieve-image, 27, quit, 54, cache-image, 0, retrieve-image, 62, quit, 124

Behavioral Model

Performance Model

System Understanding Questions

Based on the runtime log and performance model above, answer the following questions.

What is the maximum number of cache events (cache-page or cache-image) that occur in a single trace?
What is the minimum number of retrieve events (retrieve-page or retrieve-image) that occur in a single trace?
Does cache-page ever occur after cache-image?

What is the minimum and maximum number of KB transferred for a cache-image event?

In executions containing cache-page, what is the minimum KB transferred for a retrieve-image event?
The number of KB transferred for retrieve-image can be _____ the amount transferred for a preceding cache-image.

Sometimes, noticeably more data is transferred for retrieve-page than for a preceding cache-page. When this occurs, how is subsequent image caching and retrieving affected?

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Before you go...

Please explain your experiences with logs, behavioral models, and performance models. Thank you!

What did you find most useful in answering questions about a system:

Did you prefer performance models for any specific type of question?

If you answered yes above, what type of question?
For what types of questions, if any, did you prefer logs and/or behavioral models?
What kind of question did you find most difficult, and why?
If you had a tool that produced a performance model directly from a log of program executions, would you use such a tool, and why?

Thank you!

You have successfully completed the assignment.